Tabligh Work
Question: What is your opinion about Jamaat tabligh? Answer: The tabligh work involves invitation for
Question: What is your opinion about Jamaat tabligh? Answer: The tabligh work involves invitation for
Question: My husband feels it is a higher/advanced level of adab to wear a headcovering
Question: If there is no imam, can anybody give khutbas and lead prayers, though they
Question: My mom and I cannot seem to have a normal conversation. She is always
Question: Can we open bank accounts, and use credit cards? Answer: Generally speaking, the ulema
Question: What is the ruling on group dua? Answer: Duas and other acts of good
Question: 1) What is the ruling of wearing a tawees on the neck for protection
Question: Asak,What is the ruling for performing Salatul Tasbeeh ? Is this form of prayer
Question: I heard a hadith which goes on like this “Once Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) saw
Question: I know that even in the quran it states that the quran should be