Who Can Give Khutbah?


If there is no imam, can anybody give khutbas and lead
prayers, though they are not fit for it?


In khutbas, one must always relay the knowledge one learnt from
the people of knowledge before us, not anything new. If a khateeb
does that, relay the knowledge, not say anything new, it is sufficient.
This also goes for the “imams”. They must convey the deen of Allah, ie
what they learnt from the ulema before them going to prophet Muhammed,
may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. It is not appropriate for
anyone to say something new.

It is also incumbant on every community to have a knowledgable imam,
so that they can learn the correct teachings of Allah’s religion,
and not follow personal opinions, but instead follow the way of prophet
Muhammed, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

–Shaikh Sajid

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