Al-Qawl as-Sadid Sharh Kitab at-Tawhid, by the eminent Shaikh Abdurahman bin Nasir bin As-Saa’di
This series of lectures contains an explanation of the best and most important aspects of the Aqeedah of the People of Sunnah, summarized from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
We ask Allah ta’ala to cause this series of lessons to be beneficial and enlightening to the Ummah, a means of rectification of the beliefs and actions, and a means of renewal and revival of the belief in the Oneness of Allah.
Number |
Topic |
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Notes |
1 |
Introduction and Importance of Tawhid |
2 |
The Superiority of Tawhid and What it Removes of Sin |
3 |
Perfection of Tawhid and Entering Paradise without Account |
4 |
Benefits of Achieving Tawhid |
5 |
Perfecting Tawhid and Purifying it from Minor Shirk |
6 |
Amulets, Bracelets, and Charms |
7 |
Sacrificing to Other than Allah |
8 |
Magnifying Allah and Types of Intercession |
9 |
Dangers of Exaggeration of Praise of Awliyaa and Righteous |
10 |
Avoiding Worshipping at Graves and Calling on Their Occupants |
11 |
Negation of Tawhid by Astrology and Fortunetelling |
12 |
Warning Against Shirk and Magic |
13 |
Love and Fear for the Sake of Allah |
14 |
Patience, Sincerity, and Riyaa |
15 |
Absolute Obedience for Allah and Respect for the Ulema |
16 |
Danger of Denying the Blessings of Allah |
17 |
Regulations Regarding Naming and Allah’s Attributes |
18 |
The Three Foundational Beliefs |
19 |
Tawheed Made Easy Seminar Part 1 |
20 |
Tawheed Made Easy Seminar Part 2 |
21 |
Understanding the Hadith of the 73 Sects |
22 |
What is the Difference Between Major and Minor Sins |
23 |
Understanding the Hudud in Islam, Path to the Ideal World |
24 |
How to Believe in the Beautiful Names of Allah |
25 |
Radiant Lessons from the Prophet’s Night Dua |
26 |
Shi’ism, the Mehdi, Dajjal, and the Last Hour |