
“Indeed this Qur’aan guides to that which is upright.”

Date Topic Listen Download
3/2015 Yusuf ibn Tashfeen: Uniter of the Muslim World Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2014 What is the History and Legal Status of the Mawlid? Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2014 Helping Our Youth Lead the Islamic Revival Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2014 Improving the Character of Our Children Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2014 The Radiant Life of Imam Ahmed Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2014 Fiqh of Ramadan (part 1) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2014 Fiqh of Ramadan (part 2) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2014 Intro to Islamic Law: Fiqh of Love and Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Intro to Islamic Law: Zakaah and the Justice of Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Intro to Islamic Law: Fiqh of Travel Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Heroes of Islam: Imam of Madina, Malik bin Anas Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Heroes of Islam: The Noble Life of Abu Hanifa Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Heroes of Islam: The Amazing Life of Imam Ash-Shafii’ Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Culture Versus Islam, Islam Q/A Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2014 Intro to Islamic Law Class 3, Tayammum and Intent of the Shariah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2014 Intro to Islamic Law Class 2: Fiqh of the dog Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2014 Questions and Answers Regarding Travel, Wiping Socks, etc Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2014 Understanding Women’s Honorable Rights in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2014 Khatira, Knowing Allah and the Importance of Sincerity Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2014 How to Stay on Faith (Special Talk For Our Beloved Youth) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2013 Seminar, How to Raise Children Upon Faith and Righteousness Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2013 Dealing with the Effects of Sin Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2013 The Virtues of Spreading Salaams Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2013 The Saved Group: Uniting and Staying Upon the Truth Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2013 Sincerity and Fasting Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2013 Zakaah: Solution to Society’s Economic Woes Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2013 Beneficial Advice for the Seeker of Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2013 Rulings on Death and Burial Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2013 Extremist Idealogy in the Balance of Shariah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2013 Islamic Rulings on Organ Donation and Life Support Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2013 Virtues of Seeking Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2013 The Origins of Christmas Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2012 Riba, Mortgages, and Buying Houses in the West Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2012 Masjid: Source of Knowledge and Faith Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2012 Q/A on Sadaqa and Zakah and Recipients Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2012 Hajj Seminar 1433 (part 1) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2012 Hajj Seminar 1433 (Part 2) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2012 Rulings of Udhiya and Halal Slaughter vs. Stunning Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2012 Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar (Part 3) Rulings on Kosher and Gelatin, etc Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2012 Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar (Part 2) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2012 Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar (Part 1) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2012 Q/A on Fasting Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2012 The Defamation of the Prophet(peace be upon him) in Light of Islamic Law Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2012 Fiqh of Zakaah Seminar Part 1 (Please see doc on right) Stream(mp3) Download(doc)
6/2012 Fiqh of Zakaah Seminar Part 2 Stream(mp3) Download(doc)
6/2012 Fiqh of Zakaah Seminar Part 3 Stream(mp3) Download(doc)
5/2012 Q/A Session with Fuqaha (Islamic Jurists) addressing
homosexuality, domestic violence, adultery, stoning, human
rights in Islam, marriage to non-Muslims, Allah’s Mercy,
polygamy, music, etc.
Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2012 Bidaa’, Business, and Advice to my Son Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2012 The Wisdom Behind the Aqeeqah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2012 Sacrificial Animals Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2012 Special Lecture from India: Scientific Miracles in the Hadith Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2012 Fatwa on an Incomplete Hajj Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2012 Special Session: Questions and Answers in Florida Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2012 Practicing Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2011 Nullifiers of Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2011 Nullifiers of Faith Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2011 Principles of Dawah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2011 Financial Justice in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2011 The Foundations of Dawah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2011 Halal and Haram Foods Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2011 The Hereafter Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2011 Tawheed of the Beautiful Names of Allah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
11/2011 The Essential Tahara Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2011 How Can We Reform the Ummah? Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2011 Causes of Terrorism in Light of Islamic Law Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2011 Arab Spring: The Right of the People to Resist Oppression Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2011 Domestic Violence in Light of Shariah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2011 Hadith Jibreel: The Basics of Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2011 Hadith Jibreel: The Meaning of Imaan Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2011 Discussion of Adhan, Times of Prayers Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2011 Lessons on the Adhan Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
9/2011 More Lessons on the Adhan, Danger of Innovations Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 How to Search for Laylatul Qadr Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 Ten Nullifiers of Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 Danger of Slandering the Scholars Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 The Need to Repent to Allah and the Path of Happiness Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 The Tricks of the Shaitan Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 Ramadan Duas (Arabic) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 Ramadan Duas (English) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2011 Exploring the Wisdoms of Fasting Open House Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2011 Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar (Download Word Doc on Right) Stream(mp3) Download(doc)
7/2011 Fiqh of Zakaah Seminar (Download Powerpoint on Right) Stream(mp3) Download(ppt)
7/2011 Importance of Following the Ulema Workshop Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2011 Preparing for Ramadan Workshop Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2011 Commentary on the Miraculous Hadith of the Fly Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
5/2011 Open House on Islam, Women, and Shariah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2011 Reflections on Al-Hajj (Sacred Pilgrimmage) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2011 The Concept Plural Marriage in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2011 Marriage to Non-Muslims Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2011 Explanation of Prohibited Types of Meat Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
12/2010 Lessons from the Eclipse of the Moon Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2010 Hajj Seminar Part 1 (See powerpoint below) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2010 Hajj Seminar Part 2 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2010 Hajj Seminar Part 3 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2010 Hajj Seminar Part 4 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
10/2010 Hajj Seminar Powerpoint Presentation Stream(ppt) Download(ppt)
9/2010 Wisdom of Fasting 6 Days of Shawwal Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
8/2010 Open House on Islam and Tolerance Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
7/2010 Reflections on Surah al-Baqarah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2010 The Meaning of Surah al-Fatiha Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
6/2010 The Fiqh of Fasting Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
5/2010 Fiqh of Islamic Finance Part 1 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
5/2010 Fiqh of Islamic Finance Part 2 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
5/2010 Importance of Seeking Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
5/2010 Adaab of the Seeker of Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2010 Islam QA Session Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2010 Islam QA Session: Part 2 Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2010 History of Islamic Legislation Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
4/2010 Law of al-Qisass: Life for Humanity Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2010 Building Masjids Based on Piety Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2010 Reflections on the Iceland Volcano Eruption Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2010 The Honorable Status of Women in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
3/2010 Prohibition of Intoxicants and Gambling Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2010 The Sin of Hiding Religious Knowledge Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2010 Introduction to the Science of Tafseer Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2010 The Obligation of Fasting on the Believers Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
2/2010 Preservation of the Noble Quran Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2010 Eating What is Pure and Staying Away from the Impure Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2010 How the Quran was Revealed to Humanity Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2010 Concept of abrogation in the Quran Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)
1/2010 Story of Harut and Marut and the ruling on magic Stream(mp3) Download(mp3)