Fiqh of Marriage

In this class we will discuss, with Allah’s permission, the rulings pertaining to marriage, relations between spouses, proposals, mahr, and divorce based on Ibn Hajr’s “Bulugh al Maram.” We will explore the immense treasure of knowledge and explanatory material left behind by our noble predecessor Ulema, including the rulings of the four madhahab and others. Those who meet the attendance and graduation requirements of the class will be granted a Certificate of Sanad (authoritative chain) in the ahadith covered.

Number Topic Listen Download Notes
1 Encouragement for Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
2 Avoiding Extremism in Religious Practice Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
3 Marry Loving and Prolific Women Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
4 Love Between Husband and Wife Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
5 Choosing a Righteous Spouse and Congratulating the Newlywed Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
6 Recipe for a Successful Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
7 Seeing One’s Spouse Before Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
8 Means of Seeing One’s Potential Wife Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
9 Do not Propose Over the Proposal of Your Brother Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
Quiz 1 Classes 1-8 Notes(doc)
10 Can the Quran be a Woman’s Mahr? Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
11 Guidelines for Islamic Weddings Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
12 Conditions for a Valid Marriage Contract Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
13 The Wisdom Behind Requiring a Guardian in Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
14 The Right of a Woman to Choose Her Spouse Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
15 Prohibition of Certain Kinds of Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
16 Prohibition of Marrying Two Sisters Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
17 Marriage in the State of Ihram Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
18 Conditions in the Marriage Contract Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
19 Ruling on Temporary Marriage (Mut’ah) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
20 Ruling on Nikaah Muhalil Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
21 Equitability in Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
22 Choice and the Voice of Women in Society Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
23 Status of Marriage Contracts Made Before Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
24 Can a Muslim Marry a non-Muslim? Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
25 Marriages of the Prophet alayhi as salam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
26 Medical Reasons that Constitute Grounds for an Anullment of Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
27 Impotence and Sterility and its effects on the Marriage Contract Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
28 Prohibited Sexual Relations between Spouses Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
29 Interdependence and Mutual Rights in Society Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
30 The Rights of the Neighbor in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
31 More on the Rights of the Neighbor Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
32 “Remind Each Other Regarding Kind Treatment of Women” Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(pdf)
32-2 Kind Treatment of Women (Part 2) Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
33 Guarding the Secrets of One’s Spouse Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
34 The Sacred Rights of a Wife Upon Her Husband Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
35 Sexual Positions Allowed in al-Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
36 Mentioning Allah Before Intercourse and Protection from the Devil Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
37 Kind Treatment of the Wife During Relations Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
38 Halal and Haram Means of Beautification Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
39 Ruling on Plucking Body and Facial Hair, Tatoos, and Wigs Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
40 Rulings on Gheela, Female Infanticide, and Contraception Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
41 Dislike and Prohibition of Contraception Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
42 Collapse of Malthusian Theory and Triumph of the Sunnah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
43 Dividing Time with Wives, Janaba, and Reason behind Multiple Marriages Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
44 Reason Behind Dowry, Spousal Compatibility, Marriage to Safiyya Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
45 Minimum and Maximum Dowries Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
46 Wisdom behind Mahr, Wedding Gifts Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
47 Mahr al-Mithl, Ijtihad, and Wisdom Behind ‘Iddah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
48 Mut’ah (Alimony), Types of Dowry, Making Dowry Easy Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
49 Prohibition of Celibacy as Worship Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(n/a)
50 Islamic Law and the Ruling on Female Circumcision Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(n/a)
51 The Role of the Wedding Feast (Walima) in Islamic Society Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
52 How to Achieve Unity, Ruling on Terrorism, Walima Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(n/a)
53 Obligation of Answering the Invitation Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
54 Breaking Fast when Invited, Prohibition of Extravagance and Showing Off in Weddings Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
55 Waleema while Traveling, Distribution of Spoils, Table Manners Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
56 Table Manners/Preparation of Food for the Guest Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
57 Miraculous Hadith About Contagious Diseases Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
58 Division of Time Between Wives, Lessons from the Seerah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
59 Kindness Towards One’s new Wife, Drawing Lots, Sunnah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
60 The Last Moments of the Beloved Messenger, Treating Women Kindly Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
61 Khul’ (Annullment) of Marriage by Wife Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
62 Dislike of Divorce, Divorce During Menses, Temporary Marriage, Misconceptions Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
63 The Three Fold Divorce Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
64 View of Ibn Taymiyyah on 3 Fold Divorce Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
65 Compulsion in Divorce, Holding Good Opinions, Differences in Sexes Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
66 Divorce Using Metaphorical Language, Conditional Divorce Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
67 Vowing, Divorce of Intoxicated, Young, Insane, etc. Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
68 Taking Back One’s Wife after Divorce, the Waiting Period, Power of Femininity Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
69 al-Ilaa’, Staying Away from the Wife, How Long Can One Work Overseas Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
70 Dhihar: “You are to me like the back of my mother” Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
71 Li’aan Separation Due to Accusation of Adultery Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
72 Rulings on Li’aan or Mutual Cursing Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
73 Lineage and Paternity Importance and Issues Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
74 The Iddah or Waiting Period Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
75 Housing and Support During the Iddah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
76 Restrictions During the Iddah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
77 The Testimony of Women Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
78 Women, Travel, and Khalwah Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
79 Relations Through Breastfeeding and the Wisdom Behind it Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
80 Does Breastfeeding of an Adult Have any Effect? Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
81 Breastfeeding and Allah’s Power to Create Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
82 Breastfeeding and Marriage Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
83 Responsiblity for Spending and Islam’s Concern regarding Wealth Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
84 Whom Must One Support? Kindness to servants and maids Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
85 The Sin of Neglecting One’s Dependents, Animal Rights Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
86 Husbands Duty of Supporting His Wife, Alimony Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)
87 Custody Issues, Profound Teachings of Kindness to Animals in Islam Stream(mp3) Download(mp3) Notes(doc)