In the name of Allah The Compassionate The Loving.
Mudd rules part 2
Salam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa BarakatuHu. Peace be upon the followers of guidance.

mudd rules

4. العارض: Contingent on stopping lengthening
This mudd is where you have a letter of mudd (alif ا, ya ي, wow و) and after it is a letter that is pronounced with sakoon because of stopping. In other words, the mudd letter is the second last letter where you are stopping like at the end of an ayat, and the last letter gets a sakoon because of the stop.
Like in:
الْبَيَانَ (18)
نَسْتَعِينُ (19)
الْمُفْلِحُونَ (20)

in the state of stopping.

It is called العارض: Contingent because it is contingent on the letter after it having a sakoon. If you don't stop, the letter after would not have a sakoon.

One can extend this lengthening three different ways. This is in all the recitations:

القصر : Short - 2 counts
التوسط : Middle - 4 counts
المد : extended - 6 counts

Whoever pronounces it القصر : shortened, there is no difference from the regular recitation.
Whoever pronounces it المد : extended, notices the contingent sakoon and pronounces it similar to the اللازم: Necessary Lengthening.
Whoever pronounces it التوسط : Middle, notices the contingent sakoon, and extends it.

The ruling for العارض: Contingent on stopping lengthening - is الجواز: Allowed.
It is allowed to pronounce this lengthening extended or short in all the recitations.

Listen to the following ayat from surah fatihah pronounced القصر : shortened 2 counts :
{ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ}

Listen to the following ayat from surah fatihah pronounced التوسط : Middle 4 counts:
{ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ}

Listen to the following ayat from surah fatihah pronounced المد : extended 6 counts:
{ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ}

Here are some more examples of العارض: Contingent on stopping lengthening:
{وَطُورِ سِينِينَ}

{لَكُمۡ دِينُكُمۡ وَلِىَ دِينِ}

{إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسۡتَعِينُ }

{مِنَ ٱلۡجِنَّةِ وَٱلنَّاسِ}

{قُلۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡڪَـٰفِرُونَ}

5- اللازم: Necessary Lengthening

This is when a mudd letter (alif ا, ya ي, wow و) is followed by a sakun that is always there whether stopping or continuing.
الصَّاخَّةُ (29)
آلآن (30)
الم (31)

The length of this mudd is six counts in all of the recitations.

It is called لازما: Necessary because the cause of it, the sakoon that is after it, is always necessarily there, and it is always necessary to pronounce it six counts.
Its ruling is: Necessary .
And it is necessary , necessary in all the recitations to lengthen it six counts.

Divisions of mudd اللازم: Necessary Lengthening
Mudd mudd اللازم: Necessary Lengthening is divided into 2 sections, كلمي : word, and حرفي: letter. These two sections are furthermore divided into 2 sections, مثقلا: thick, and مخففا: thin.

So all together there are 4 divisions:
1. المد اللازم كلمي المثقل : Thick necessary lengthening in a word
2. المد اللازم كلمي المخفف : Thin necessary lengthening in a word
3. المد اللازم حرفي المثقل : Thick necessary lengthening in a letter
4. المد اللازم حرفي المخفف : Thin necessary lengthening in a letter

1. المد اللازم كلمي المثقل : Thick necessary lengthening in a word
When a mudd letter (alif ا, ya ي, wow و) is followed by a sakun that is always there, and that sakun is eaten up by the letter afterwards. In other words, it is called "thick" because there is a shaddah after it. It is called كلمي : word , because the mudd and shaddah are in one word. Like in:
الْحَاقَّةُ (33)
الضَّالِّينَ (34)
أَتُحَاجُّونِّي (35)

2. المد اللازم كلمي المخفف : Thin necessary lengthening in a word
When a mudd letter (alif ا, ya ي, wow و) is followed by a sakun that is always there, and that sakun is not eaten up by the letter afterwards. In other words, it is called "thin" because there is no shaddah after it. It is called كلمي : word , because the mudd and sakoon are in one word. This is only found in two places in the Quran the word "آلآن" in surah Yunus:
آلآنَ وَقَدْ كُنْتُمْ بِهِ تَسْتَعْجِلُونَ (36)
آلآنَ وَقَدْ عَصَيْتَ (37)

المد اللازم حرفي : necessary lengthening in a letter
When the name of a letter is spelled out it would consist of 3 letters. The middle letter is a mudd, followed by a sakun that is always necessarily there. The mudd with the sakun are there in the spelling of the letter. These letters are found in the beginning of some surahs in the Quran. The letters that have this lengthening are seven, found in the phrase: "سنقص علمك"
Except for the ع (ain) .
س : seen
طسم (45) surah shuaraa, qasas
طس surah Naml
يس surah ya sin
حم * عسق surah shura
ن : noon
ن وَالْقَلَمِ (38) surah qalam
ق : qaf
حم * عسق surah shura
ق وَالْقُرْآنِ (39) surah qaf
ص : sawd
المص surah aaraaf
كهيعص surah maryam
ص وَالْقُرْآنِ surah saad
ل : laam
الم (41)
الر (42)
المص (43)
المر (44)
م : meem
طسم (45)
حم (46)
ك : kaaf
كهيعص surah maryam

These seven letters are pronounced المد اللازم حرفي : necessary lengthening in a letter, by agreement.

3. المد اللازم حرفي المثقل : Thick necessary lengthening in a letter
If the sakinah (the last letter in the spelling) is eaten up by what comes after it, it is المثقل: thick. Like:
"لام" in "الم"

Because there is itgham: the letter gets eaten up. likewise:
"سين" in "طسم"

Because there is as well itgham: the letter gets eaten up.

4. المد اللازم حرفي المخفف : Thin necessary lengthening in a letter
If the sakinah (the last letter in the spelling) is not eaten up by what comes after it, it is المخفف: thin. like:
"ميم" in "الم"
and "ق"

Because there is no itgham: the letter does not get eaten up.

For the ع that is found is surah maryam, and surah shurah:
ڪٓهيعٓصٓ (١)
عٓسٓقٓ (٢)

there are two ways to pronounce it:
long: this is the most virtuous, six counts, like that of the other 7 letters.
middle: the regular extension of leen ( i.e. a ي sakinah preceded by a fatha) the lengthening of leen would be less than the lengthening of mudd اللازم: Necessary Lengthening

The letters that are found in the beginning of some surahs in the Quran can be divided into four categories:

1. The neccesary lengthening مدا لازما which are the letters in the statement "سنقص علمك" except for ع (ain.)

2.That which can be recited two ways , long or middle which is ع (ain).

3. That which is recited with root mudd (two counts) which are the letters in the statement "حي طهر" .

4. That which is recited without any mudd, which is alif (ا) which is found in "الم"، "الر"، "المص"، "المر"

It is important to note that if you have a letter of mudd in one word, and a sakinah in the beginning of the next word, the mudd is deleted when pronouncing the two words together. like in:
وَقَالُوا اتَّخَذَ (48)
وَالْمُقِيمِي الصَّلاةِ (49
وَقَالا الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ (50)

Here are some more examples of اللازم: Necessary Lengthening:
{وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ۬}




{قٓ‌ۚ وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ ٱلۡمَجِيدِ}


Priority of the Mudd Lengthening

The priority of the mudd lengthenings are given the following order, from the strongest to the weakest:

1. اللازم: Necessary Lengthening
2. المتصل: Obligatory connected lengthening
3. العارض: Contingent on stopping lengthening
4. المنفصل: Allowed disjoint lengthening
5. البدل: Exchanged lengthening

If there is a place that has two causes of mudd, the strongest takes precedence, and the weaker is removed.

For example:
وَلا آمِّينَ الْبَيْتَ الْحَرَامَ (51)

Here look at the alif (ا) in آمِّينَ , here you find mudd البدل: Exchanged lengthening because a mudd letter follows hamza. Also you find اللازم: Necessary Lengthening because of the م (meem) with sakoon after it, that is always there. Here you would extend 6 counts, اللازم: Necessary Lengthening, because the اللازم: Necessary Lengthening is stronger, and the mudd البدل: Exchanged lengthening is removed.

Another example:
وَجَاءُوا أَبَاهُمْ (52)

Here look at the wow (و) in جَاءُوا, here you find mudd البدل: Exchanged lengthening because a mudd letter follows hamza. Also you find
4. المنفصل: Allowed disjoint lengthening because of the (hamza) that comes after it. Here you would extend 4 or 5 counts, المنفصل : Allowed disjoint lengthening, because the المنفصل: Allowed disjoint lengthening is stronger, and the mudd البدل: Exchanged lengthening is removed.

This is what is mentioned in the lines of poetry of the tajwid of the Quran:
أقوى المدود لازم فما اتصل
فعارض فذو انفصال فبدل
وسببا مدٍّ إذا ما وجدا
فإن أقوى السببين انفردا